washing stations

Below you’ll find the five stations that we’ve chosen to primarily concentrate - Fugi, Muzo, Ngoma, Akagera, and Humure. This is one of the first small steps taken in an attempt to simplify our purchasing yet grow our overall impact. With each passing year, the Baho team is increasingly more organized with microlot separations. We’re moving towards dividing these stations into smaller groups based on geographical locations or select demographics. It’s our aim to form relationships with communities that we find aligned with our mission and deepen our commitments to them. In contrast to solely purchasing the very top lots from a selection of all Baho-owned stations, we plan to work towards more holistically purchasing a myriad of quality levels and processing styles from a smaller selection of stations and producer groups.

Standard practices provided for all growers delivering to Baho-owned stations include frequent trainings, free inputs, and substantial contributions towards health insurance premiums. Each station has a team on site, including an agronomist, that organizes training sessions to focus on coffee plant care (fertilizing, pruning, harvesting, etc), the importance of our increased traceability efforts, and best practices for environmental protection. Various inputs like fertilizers and new coffee seedlings are provided free of cost to all. Baho additionally provides assistance to farmers by way of transportation to gather materials and lending tools + equipment when necessary.
